Kamis, 19 Mei 2016

Whats wrong with Chinese New Year - forex trading yogyakarta

Whats wrong with Chinese New Year ~ forex trading yogyakarta

Its that time of the year again where all things red fill our surroundings, Chinese new year songs with drums and gongs jam the radio stations and streets. You might be surprised
to hear this, but theres actually something wrong with Chinese New Year. No wonder every year people say the new year spirit is lower than the previous year.

Here are some of the things i noticed;

1) Its a different date every year!

We celebrate New Year on the 1st of January every year. Same for Christmas on 25th of December and National Day on the 9th of August every year.  But when it comes to Chinese New Year, it can range from early January to even March! How confusing is that? 

I understand it happens this way due to us Chinese following of the lunar calendar. But we are so used to following the January to December calendar format and that is the reason why we hear people asking without fail every year, "Hey when will Chinese New Year be next year huh? I need to plan my leave leh." 

In fact i need some time to generate the mood, man!

2) Ang baos are too overly rated

Elders and married couples are usually the ones giving ang baos (red packet) to the younger ones or unmarried relatives in the family line. The symbol of giving ang bao is to suppress ageing, give blessings and good luck for challenges faced in the coming year. 

However, we are now in the era where heaps of articles will come out publishing the appropriate amount to give. They can be based on age, closeness, and even how much you earn. Its almost like a yearly payment to the tax man. I am suppose to give more if i earn more and not according to my own wishes? No wonder no atmosphere lor. The giver wants to give less, the receiver wants more. 

Haha my wife handles all the angbao budgeting and giving but my savings plan is sure gonna get a beating..  

3) Eating and drinking

The feasting begins long before the actual Chinese New Year. From barbecue pork to pineapple tarts, mandarin orange to soft drinks and beers. All these are right in front of you whether you are at home or in the office. 

Then comes the reunion lunches, reunion dinners with relatives from your fathers side, your mothers side, your wifes father and mother side...the list goes on and every meal is a mega feasting. 

It probably doesnt end until 2 week after the CNY holidays. (We are supposed to celebrate CNY for 15 days, you know..) 

The good part about this though, is the gathering of friends and relatives but the bad part is the side effects that comes along with over eating like indigestion and most importantly, weight gain. 

But I guess the most determined of us cant resist the hammering of good food for so many days...

4) Ghost towns everywhere

The trains and buses become near empty, shopping centres become less lively and also less convenient as businesses close for these few days or even up to a week as Singapore is largely populated with Chinese and we usually take a few more days of leave after the official public holiday. 

Therefore every one else is having a feasting of their own. And if you are looking for a cab on the streets, good luck to you as they will be few and far between.

5) Questions from relatives and friends

It seems like our uncles and aunties are the most forgetful people in the world. Every year since young, without fail, there will be the exact same set of questions being asked. 

If you are schooling, they will ask you about your results. If you are working, they will ask you about your work, your pay, whether you have girlfriend or boyfriend, then comes the when are you getting married, when are you having your first child, then 2nd child... the list goes on. But i guess its all part of an effort to get to know each other more and should really be appreciated.

Above all, Chinese New Year is a time for reunion and also a joyous occasion to be celebrated. So let just relax and look on the bright side of every thing and spread the love! 

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